Tag Archives: sexy people

Sweet Stuff!

So I’m doing this blog again…maybe it’ll be a Sunday thing…even though Sunday’s almost over.

1. I renewed my Flickr pro account! Yay! It went out around my birthday and I’ve been missing all my extra pics and it wouldn’t let me upload new ones. It was pretty devestating. But now I have it again. You can relax!

(This is from the Statesboro Goodwill….I really should have bought that picture. I don’t know what I would have done with it but c’mon!)

2. I was riding my bike some before it started raining every day.  Seriously rain, stop it!

3. I uploaded a bajillion things to my etsy today! Woohoo! I still have a few more to do tomorrow. My new-ish stuff looks pretty summer-y.

4. Atlanta makes me laugh sometimes.

See those few plants behind the sign? Yeah, that was it.

They weren’t kidding when they said spot.

5. So I was thrift store shopping the other day and outside the store found a roll of film. Used film! (I hope!)

I always want to find  random pictures for some reason. And, lookit, I found a whole roll. I hope it’s something great like this:

And not like this:

6. Someone’s birthday is coming up and I’m very excited to be making the cupcake version of this:

Sweet huh?

7. I really love PostSecret, but this scared me! haha


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Filed under etsy, flickr, food, pictures, sweet stuff, website, wtf

hi hi!

Today’s the first day of my new blog. Exciting huh? Oh yes!

I’ve been taking pictures of new stuff to list on my etsy site today.

And now for the editing…except that I always get distracted when I sit at the computer. I’m sure you can tell.

So now I’m looking at blogs.



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Filed under crafts, etsy, pictures, website, wtf