Tag Archives: records

Sweet Stuff

I’ve done better this week than last with updating this blog….but not much better.

This week has been good.

1. Monday

2. On Wednesday, we went out for sushi. It was gooooood.

3. After I was done eating, I decided I needed some Glamour Shots!
030 032
031 034

4. I saw this on the bathroom wall.
Can you read that? I’m not sure if I can only because I actually saw it.
Why would someone kiss the wall in a public bathroom. Ewwwwwwwwww.

5. I ❤ Laundry Lounge. They have magazines and a change machine that’ll take 20’s and free wi-fi. They have great signs too!

6. While I was doing laundry yesterday, I started taking apart this sweater that I have that’s super soft but never fit me.

7. Here are three things I got when I went shopping Thursday:
One funny shirt:
Two sweet records:


The End!

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Filed under food, pictures, shopping, sweet stuff

Sweet Stuff!

Ok, so I’m bored (doing laundry) so…here ya go.

I don’t really have much to say so I’ll just post some stuff I think is sweet…hence the title. Clever huh? Hmm

1. It’s Mother’s Day!



So now that I have these, I need something to do with them. There are lots of good/fun/funny ones…but there are also horribly scratched ones…and just plain horrible ones.

Which brings me to…

3. I know record bowls are pretty cliche and over-done…but I actually like this one.

It’s rectangular and…well I like it.

4. I also found these:


5. Ok enough records.  This came in my mailbox the other day. Can you read it? Amazing!

6.  This soap simultaneously intrigues me and creeps me out. I think I want some!

Anyone wanna make some creepy soap?

7.  Ok so this one is old. I just got new film like this developed. I have to scan and upload them soon!

No Tail!

Gotta put up laundry now. I can hardly contain my excitement. Watch out!


Filed under crafts, family, pictures, shopping, wtf