Tag Archives: movie


I don’t have a ton to write lately.

Today I ate lunch with my grandparents since it was Pop’s birthday. 80 freakin years old. That’s kind of amazing to me.

Then got some of my time sucked by WalMart.

Rode back to Rhine and attempted to take down some wallpaper using a mixture of heated up water and vinegar. Slowww.

Rode back to Eastman to buy paint and meet Mindy and her cutie babies for dinner at the Chinese place. Holy crap. How have I not had any decent Chinese food since whenever I ate there last? Probably like ’03 or something. Anyway, that was fun!

Got home and made a second attempt at the wallpaper…this time using one of those spackling knives. Ugh. Still only halfway through with that wall. I think I’ll be doing this all week. I better be the fastest painter everrrrr.

Just got done watching a movie so horrible and cheesy I don’t even wanna mention it. Lame.



ps-i think my fingers still smell like vinegar and i’ve washed them alottt. how gross is that? maybe it’ll come off in the pool.


Filed under movies

lazy day

So my plans for the day fell through…which is just as well considering the rain we just had.

Rain means I should probably watch a movie and also knit. Yes indeed!yarns


PS – I listed two new necklaces on my etsy site yesterday. They’re cute!

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Filed under crafts, movies