Tag Archives: beads


I just got finished eating some funky granola…maybe it was the soy milk that was funky.

Anyway, we went to the pool yesterday. Even with sunscreen, I got an awesome, one-sided tan/burn. Great. We had some great burgers though. And we had this yummy new drink they’re serving at Zaya. It’s a blueberry lemonade drink I think. It was delicious.

I have this vintage dress that I’m going to list on etsy soon. It needs a few stitches repaired and, obviously, to be ironed. Pretty cute though right?

I wanted to keep it but it didn’t fit me quite right. Oh well.

I got some new beads….

The yellow ones are actually more of a green color but I couldn’t get that to photograph for some reason. They’re pretty though. Can’t wait to make something with them!

I’m also really wanting to make something with these peacock feathers I got. I’m not 100% sure how to go about that but maybe I can figure something out.

I made some bracelets yesterday. I’m not sure if anyone will like them besides me but they’re soooo comfy.

And I think they’re cool. Guess I need to take some pictures today and list them.

That’s a pretty crappy phone picture but what do you think?

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Filed under crafts, etsy, food, pictures, question

etsy update

I have some beads in my etsy shop that I’m selling that have free shipping with another purchase from my shop.

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Filed under etsy