Category Archives: family

first things first:

Ok I have to go ahead and get this out of the way. Maybe it doesn’t matter. It probably doesn’t.

So I was taking this picture of this sweet clock radio and thermos that I bought yesterday (to sell on etsy soon). When I turned on the radio Thriller was on. Not the version on my ipod. The version with the crazy talk and laugh. Whatever. So, cool I guess. Up next you ask. Several more ridiculous 80’s songs (also, for anyone that actually clicked that link. all you need is the first 30 seconds. doesn’t that sound familiar? like a different 80’s song? that i really know but really can’t think of right at this moment.) So they go to commercial and it’s not the car dealership commercial. It’s the “we’re gonna tell you about what music we play instead of just playing another song” commercial. They make this big spill about how they play all the “good stuff” before myspace, facebook, and twitter even exsisted (b/c that definitely means 80’s music only). And the very next song is freakin Beyonce. Confused? yes.

Ok. I’m done with that.

Here’s the pic of the clock and thermos I bought. They’re sweet.stuff

I also have a few pictures from when I was in Rhine. They’re actually mostly dogs though. I was pretty much just hanging out with them the whole time…and painting of course…which I have no pictures of…
a cactus.

the fam
father’s day.

These are the pups I was taking care of:


scarlett and lucky
scarlett and lucky. they’re ready to go inside for treats.


this is how windy it was.

Lastly, this is a horrible picture. Trust me. It was horrible in real life too.
she had on the most amazingly awful awesome crazy mullet wig i’ve ever seen. where do you even buy something like that? it was halfway down her back. notice the nice lady sideburn curls. hot.

k. I have things to do now.

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Filed under etsy, family, pictures, shopping, wtf

no sweet stuff this week…


I’m visiting home…well not exactly home…Rhine. Dog-sitting and painting. I think it’s gonna be a way bigger project than I anticipated. Way bigger. I’m a bit overwhelmed.

So far, I’ve done the following:

  • stayed up way too late…blasted Direct TV.
  • hung out with some weiner dogs and a zombie.
  • had to wake up a few hours later b/c the dogs are early morning pee-ers. Fun.
  • found a 1st grade pic of myself. Nice Minnie Mouse bow.
  • not eaten enough. Just pretzels. I’m hungry!!!

Maybe I’ll update later.

Gotta restart the computer from Windows Updates. I hope there’s not a password for this computer. I guess we’ll see.


Filed under family, pictures, wtf

it’s morning. i wanna be asleep still.

Yesterday was a day of driving. And more driving. And eating ice cream with strawberries. And seeing alot of people I haven’t seen since around high school time. And being really really hot outside. And drinking alot of glass bottled Coke. And celebrating Pop’s birthday.

Today will probably be mostly the same. Minus the extra people and the birthday. Plus the church. Maybe. Hmm…yeah…

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Filed under family, food


Just taking a break from packing. Going to Rhine today…for my grandpa’s bday and Roy Williams Day.

I just made a sale on etsy. Yay!

Ok. Break over. Ugh.

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Filed under etsy, family

short post today…

Today, I’m busy. Lots to do before the fam gets here. And I’ll be going home for a visit so gotta finish with the laundry and packing and such.

Hopefully, I’ll return to Atl with a slight tan, no burn, some pictures, and new jewelry (and maybe vintage stuff!) to list. Keeping my fingers crossed on that.

I’ll be doing some painting while I’m home. How long do you think it will take to paint two rooms and do some touching up/molding in two rooms? I hope my aunt picks a good color (not red) that doesn’t take 15 coats.

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Filed under family

Sweet Stuff!

Ok, so I’m bored (doing laundry) so…here ya go.

I don’t really have much to say so I’ll just post some stuff I think is sweet…hence the title. Clever huh? Hmm

1. It’s Mother’s Day!



So now that I have these, I need something to do with them. There are lots of good/fun/funny ones…but there are also horribly scratched ones…and just plain horrible ones.

Which brings me to…

3. I know record bowls are pretty cliche and over-done…but I actually like this one.

It’s rectangular and…well I like it.

4. I also found these:


5. Ok enough records.  This came in my mailbox the other day. Can you read it? Amazing!

6.  This soap simultaneously intrigues me and creeps me out. I think I want some!

Anyone wanna make some creepy soap?

7.  Ok so this one is old. I just got new film like this developed. I have to scan and upload them soon!

No Tail!

Gotta put up laundry now. I can hardly contain my excitement. Watch out!


Filed under crafts, family, pictures, shopping, wtf