Category Archives: etsy

first things first:

Ok I have to go ahead and get this out of the way. Maybe it doesn’t matter. It probably doesn’t.

So I was taking this picture of this sweet clock radio and thermos that I bought yesterday (to sell on etsy soon). When I turned on the radio Thriller was on. Not the version on my ipod. The version with the crazy talk and laugh. Whatever. So, cool I guess. Up next you ask. Several more ridiculous 80’s songs (also, for anyone that actually clicked that link. all you need is the first 30 seconds. doesn’t that sound familiar? like a different 80’s song? that i really know but really can’t think of right at this moment.) So they go to commercial and it’s not the car dealership commercial. It’s the “we’re gonna tell you about what music we play instead of just playing another song” commercial. They make this big spill about how they play all the “good stuff” before myspace, facebook, and twitter even exsisted (b/c that definitely means 80’s music only). And the very next song is freakin Beyonce. Confused? yes.

Ok. I’m done with that.

Here’s the pic of the clock and thermos I bought. They’re sweet.stuff

I also have a few pictures from when I was in Rhine. They’re actually mostly dogs though. I was pretty much just hanging out with them the whole time…and painting of course…which I have no pictures of…
a cactus.

the fam
father’s day.

These are the pups I was taking care of:


scarlett and lucky
scarlett and lucky. they’re ready to go inside for treats.


this is how windy it was.

Lastly, this is a horrible picture. Trust me. It was horrible in real life too.
she had on the most amazingly awful awesome crazy mullet wig i’ve ever seen. where do you even buy something like that? it was halfway down her back. notice the nice lady sideburn curls. hot.

k. I have things to do now.

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Filed under etsy, family, pictures, shopping, wtf


Just taking a break from packing. Going to Rhine today…for my grandpa’s bday and Roy Williams Day.

I just made a sale on etsy. Yay!

Ok. Break over. Ugh.

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Filed under etsy, family


I just got finished eating some funky granola…maybe it was the soy milk that was funky.

Anyway, we went to the pool yesterday. Even with sunscreen, I got an awesome, one-sided tan/burn. Great. We had some great burgers though. And we had this yummy new drink they’re serving at Zaya. It’s a blueberry lemonade drink I think. It was delicious.

I have this vintage dress that I’m going to list on etsy soon. It needs a few stitches repaired and, obviously, to be ironed. Pretty cute though right?

I wanted to keep it but it didn’t fit me quite right. Oh well.

I got some new beads….

The yellow ones are actually more of a green color but I couldn’t get that to photograph for some reason. They’re pretty though. Can’t wait to make something with them!

I’m also really wanting to make something with these peacock feathers I got. I’m not 100% sure how to go about that but maybe I can figure something out.

I made some bracelets yesterday. I’m not sure if anyone will like them besides me but they’re soooo comfy.

And I think they’re cool. Guess I need to take some pictures today and list them.

That’s a pretty crappy phone picture but what do you think?

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Filed under crafts, etsy, food, pictures, question

Sweet Stuff!

I was just going through my favorites on etsy and realized that my list of hearted items is huge. So how about some stuff I want for sweet stuff this week?

1. 1940’s Kelly Green Umbrella

I don’t even know what to say about this. I mean look at it. It’s a green umbrella and it’s awesome! (And this whole shop is awesome…I want about half the stuff in it. haha)

2. Tundra Deer II in Bronze Neclace

I love this necklace. This shop has tons of stuff made from precious metal clay so it’s all really unique and cool.

3. 1950’s White Skyway Suitcase

This is from the same shop as the umbrella. Told ya it was a great shop.
Like I need another suitcase….it’s pretty sweet though right?

4. Custom Letter Charm

I really need to get a few of these! She also has lots of other stamped jewelry that’s awesome!

5. Hand Crank Wooden Boat Automata

I really like this. It reminds me of really old school toys. Check out the listings and each one has a youtube link so you can see the pieces in action.

6. Chameleon Dress and Tube Top Set

I’m definitely getting one of these dresses one day. You can wear it probably a hundred different ways. How cool is that?

7. Recycled Stemless Etched Wine Glasses

Recycled wine bottles + bird etching =totally sweet glasses! I think I’d use these every day.

Got any favorites to share?

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Filed under etsy, pictures, shopping, sweet stuff, website

etsy update

I have some beads in my etsy shop that I’m selling that have free shipping with another purchase from my shop.

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Filed under etsy

news news

So, I just found out that the 2 Man Band are playing a show with Bob Dylan and friggin Willie Nelson. Pretty amazing. If you havern’t heard The 2 Man Gentlemen Band, I highly recommend checking them out.

I just listed one of the two newish necklaces I have on my etsy. Here’s a pic:


You should still check it out though.

Excited for craft night tonight!

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Filed under etsy, Uncategorized

tiny tiny post

We grilled out last night at the drive-in and saw The Hangover (which was pretty hilarious).

I just took some pictures of some necklaces I’ll be listing on etsy very soon.

I also recently found this website that is kind of awesome.

I’ll have more interesting things to write on here later. Promise.


Filed under etsy, movies, website

Sweet Stuff!

Yesterday, I went to ICE Atlanta at Centennial Olympic Park. I met up with Rachael, Jess, Jenne, & Michelle. I had a ton of fun but I got pretty crispy burnt. No good. I did see alot of awesome stuff though.

1. My absolute favorite tent was Talulah B’s. She used lots of vintage things to make her jewlery. I wanted one of her B Naughty necklaces but didn’t have enough cash once I paid for Marta, lunch, and some yummy tea.

The necklace I wanted was like these…except for even more awesome.

2. That yummy tea I had was from Just Add Honey. It was Tropical Green Tea and I would highly recommend it!

3. I also loved Ornamental Things. That jewelry also featured alot of vintage charms and trinkets.
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I love these two necklaces. There was also one at the show that I really really liked but I couldn’t find it on the site.

4. The Tangled Woods had some super cute gnome terrariums at the show. I hope she makes these again:

I’d buy one of both!

5. Another Sassy Product had some really cool journal books!

There are pages from the original book plus tons of blank paper to write on.

6. I also loved the So She Sews tent. I actually just discoved their etsy page a little while ago. They have these really cute owl pouches made from fused plastic bags! I’ve actually tried to do the whole fused plastic bag thing and just never could get it right.

Kinda makes me want to give it another try…or maybe just buy one…or both.

7. Lastly, I have to put up these pics. I was going to make some sweet rainbow cupcakes for my neighbor, Clint’s, birthday but it just never worked out. So I had some free time the other day and wanted to make a snack for craft night…what better snack than a cupcake? I took some over to craft night and I had about half to split between me and Marshall and Clint. Well they were delicious and pretty and awesome. But then when I got back from Rachael and Jess’ house and rushed to the kitchen to make sure Marshall hadn’t eatten all the rainbow cupcakes, I found out that Clint had gone out of town.
Sorry Clint.

Happy late birthday from me!

Ok. Gotta do laundry and errands and packing now.

The End


Filed under crafts, etsy, food, pictures, shopping, sweet stuff, website


Is anyone else going to the Indie Craft Experience next weekend? I’m still not sure which day I’m going but I’m super excited! Hopefully I’ll have my new mini-cards by then so I can hand a few out.

Yesterday, I went to Stone Mountain for the first time since I was in probably 8th grade. Why does it cost so much to go there? I mean, unless you’re going up the mountain (which I didn’t get to do) there’s not really much there. Hmmm…maybe it’s just me. I still had fun though.

We went to Osteria which is only the best yummy Itailian place on Highland. Oh, and they have super delicious limoncello that they make in house! Yum! Rachael was working and made me want to knit something really bad!

And as a side note, we have this ceramic vase that had left-over Mother’s Day flowers from Zaya. Obviously they’re old now and pretty dead and need to be thrown out but the vase has been making this noise for pretty much the whole time the flowers have been in it. Like a cracking noise. What’s that about? I’m scared to throw the flowers out b/c that would involve touching the vase and I feel like it might disentigrate with the slightest touch. Maybe I’m being lazy. Say what you will. It’s weird though.

Alright, now off to clean my craft room (or maybe just find some yarn and start knitting something to put off the cleaning for just a bit more…)

PS – I took a billion pictures at Stone Mountain but my camera’s dead so I may upload some later.

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Filed under crafts, etsy, food, Uncategorized

Sweet Stuff!

So I’m doing this blog again…maybe it’ll be a Sunday thing…even though Sunday’s almost over.

1. I renewed my Flickr pro account! Yay! It went out around my birthday and I’ve been missing all my extra pics and it wouldn’t let me upload new ones. It was pretty devestating. But now I have it again. You can relax!

(This is from the Statesboro Goodwill….I really should have bought that picture. I don’t know what I would have done with it but c’mon!)

2. I was riding my bike some before it started raining every day.  Seriously rain, stop it!

3. I uploaded a bajillion things to my etsy today! Woohoo! I still have a few more to do tomorrow. My new-ish stuff looks pretty summer-y.

4. Atlanta makes me laugh sometimes.

See those few plants behind the sign? Yeah, that was it.

They weren’t kidding when they said spot.

5. So I was thrift store shopping the other day and outside the store found a roll of film. Used film! (I hope!)

I always want to find  random pictures for some reason. And, lookit, I found a whole roll. I hope it’s something great like this:

And not like this:

6. Someone’s birthday is coming up and I’m very excited to be making the cupcake version of this:

Sweet huh?

7. I really love PostSecret, but this scared me! haha


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Filed under etsy, flickr, food, pictures, sweet stuff, website, wtf