Monthly Archives: August 2009


so i need these:


let me know where i can find them.



Filed under question, shopping

true story, true story

so i changed the water in all 4 of the fish bowls yesterday. i did them one at the time so i wouldn’t get them mixed up.

the reason for this is that they all have names  but they all look exactly the same. there’s ringo, paul, george, and john (in that order). the reason for the naming in that order is b/c when we first got them paul would do the weird halfway float-halfway swim at the top. naturally i thought he would die soon. and of course we would replace him with a fish that looked just like him and it would be a fish scandal! paul is dead!

but no. this didn’t happen.

yesterday, sometime between around 4pm and when marshall got here around 10, john lennon went missing. marshall was convinced that i cleaned the bowl but just didn’t put him back in it. impossible. i washed the glasses i used. i think i would have noticed if i’d poured him down the drain. i’m not even sure he’d fit down the drain.

so he’s escaped. tom had a fish that jumped out of its tank and got stuck to the wall behind it. i can only imagine that poor john lept out of his tiny fish bowl and is now somewhere behind the tv (even though we can’t even find him there).

how the heck does a fish escape? seriously.

so unless john has evolved and can now breathe and live outside of water, dear john is dead. (please take a moment of silence to remeber him)

(guess it’s fitting that john died first. guess george is next.)

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Filed under wtf