Sunday again? Already?

I just realized that I haven’t written a blog since last Sunday.

To be quite honest, I feel like alot of shit is going on in my life right now (not to mention I’m at the laundry mat) so I can’t really concentrate at the moment. I think it would take me 4 hours to do a Sweet Stuff blog so I’ll just tell you guys about yesterday I guess.

I went to the Flea Market at the drive-in with Rachael, Jess, and Jenne. It was fun but I didn’t see anything I wanted to buy except for some rice crispy treats…which I didn’t buy. No one really found much so we went to Value Village after that. I got a clock to sell on etsy, something to hold my records, and a necklace. I haven’t decided if I’ll wear the necklace, make something of it to sell, or just sell it like it is.

Ok, ok, ok. Later

(wow, that blog sucked right?)

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