Daily Archives: July 3, 2009

first things first:

Ok I have to go ahead and get this out of the way. Maybe it doesn’t matter. It probably doesn’t.

So I was taking this picture of this sweet clock radio and thermos that I bought yesterday (to sell on etsy soon). When I turned on the radio Thriller was on. Not the version on my ipod. The version with the crazy talk and laugh. Whatever. So, cool I guess. Up next you ask. Several more ridiculous 80’s songs (also, for anyone that actually clicked that link. all you need is the first 30 seconds. doesn’t that sound familiar? like a different 80’s song? that i really know but really can’t think of right at this moment.) So they go to commercial and it’s not the car dealership commercial. It’s the “we’re gonna tell you about what music we play instead of just playing another song” commercial. They make this big spill about how they play all the “good stuff” before myspace, facebook, and twitter even exsisted (b/c that definitely means 80’s music only). And the very next song is freakin Beyonce. Confused? yes.

Ok. I’m done with that.

Here’s the pic of the clock and thermos I bought. They’re sweet.stuff

I also have a few pictures from when I was in Rhine. They’re actually mostly dogs though. I was pretty much just hanging out with them the whole time…and painting of course…which I have no pictures of…
a cactus.

the fam
father’s day.

These are the pups I was taking care of:


scarlett and lucky
scarlett and lucky. they’re ready to go inside for treats.


this is how windy it was.

Lastly, this is a horrible picture. Trust me. It was horrible in real life too.
she had on the most amazingly awful awesome crazy mullet wig i’ve ever seen. where do you even buy something like that? it was halfway down her back. notice the nice lady sideburn curls. hot.

k. I have things to do now.

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Filed under etsy, family, pictures, shopping, wtf