Monthly Archives: June 2009

i’m back

so i’m back in atl and will be back on here for real. soon.

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I don’t have a ton to write lately.

Today I ate lunch with my grandparents since it was Pop’s birthday. 80 freakin years old. That’s kind of amazing to me.

Then got some of my time sucked by WalMart.

Rode back to Rhine and attempted to take down some wallpaper using a mixture of heated up water and vinegar. Slowww.

Rode back to Eastman to buy paint and meet Mindy and her cutie babies for dinner at the Chinese place. Holy crap. How have I not had any decent Chinese food since whenever I ate there last? Probably like ’03 or something. Anyway, that was fun!

Got home and made a second attempt at the wallpaper…this time using one of those spackling knives. Ugh. Still only halfway through with that wall. I think I’ll be doing this all week. I better be the fastest painter everrrrr.

Just got done watching a movie so horrible and cheesy I don’t even wanna mention it. Lame.



ps-i think my fingers still smell like vinegar and i’ve washed them alottt. how gross is that? maybe it’ll come off in the pool.


Filed under movies

no sweet stuff this week…


I’m visiting home…well not exactly home…Rhine. Dog-sitting and painting. I think it’s gonna be a way bigger project than I anticipated. Way bigger. I’m a bit overwhelmed.

So far, I’ve done the following:

  • stayed up way too late…blasted Direct TV.
  • hung out with some weiner dogs and a zombie.
  • had to wake up a few hours later b/c the dogs are early morning pee-ers. Fun.
  • found a 1st grade pic of myself. Nice Minnie Mouse bow.
  • not eaten enough. Just pretzels. I’m hungry!!!

Maybe I’ll update later.

Gotta restart the computer from Windows Updates. I hope there’s not a password for this computer. I guess we’ll see.


Filed under family, pictures, wtf

it’s morning. i wanna be asleep still.

Yesterday was a day of driving. And more driving. And eating ice cream with strawberries. And seeing alot of people I haven’t seen since around high school time. And being really really hot outside. And drinking alot of glass bottled Coke. And celebrating Pop’s birthday.

Today will probably be mostly the same. Minus the extra people and the birthday. Plus the church. Maybe. Hmm…yeah…

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Filed under family, food


Just taking a break from packing. Going to Rhine today…for my grandpa’s bday and Roy Williams Day.

I just made a sale on etsy. Yay!

Ok. Break over. Ugh.

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Filed under etsy, family

short post today…

Today, I’m busy. Lots to do before the fam gets here. And I’ll be going home for a visit so gotta finish with the laundry and packing and such.

Hopefully, I’ll return to Atl with a slight tan, no burn, some pictures, and new jewelry (and maybe vintage stuff!) to list. Keeping my fingers crossed on that.

I’ll be doing some painting while I’m home. How long do you think it will take to paint two rooms and do some touching up/molding in two rooms? I hope my aunt picks a good color (not red) that doesn’t take 15 coats.

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Filed under family

things i’m thankful for:

I’m so thankful that now that the whole HDTV thing is going on and I don’t have cable, that I still have my two Atlanta versions of Telemundo and Daystar.

Thanks Atlanta.

Not even GPTV.


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Filed under wtf

movies and books and cds oh my!

Ever heard of Swaptree?

Basically, you get on there and make a list of any cds, dvds, books, and/or games that you have that you wouldn’t mind getting rid of. Then, make a list of stuff you want. A wishlist? Yes!

Then, the site does the work for you. It finds matches and emails them to you. When you get a trade request you can deny it (if maybe you think it’s not an even trade, or you changed your mind about the thing you’d be getting, or you’re holding out for something better, or you’re just trying to be difficult…you know, whatever…) or you can accept it.

You’ll then get another email from swaptree with the address you’re supposed to ship your item to.

Do you pay anything? Nope. Only whatever it costs to ship a book or movie or whatever (usually only 2 or 3 bucks). And if a few days you get Bubba Ho-Tep in the mail. (Ok that’s just bad.)

Do it.

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Filed under movies, music, website


I just got finished eating some funky granola…maybe it was the soy milk that was funky.

Anyway, we went to the pool yesterday. Even with sunscreen, I got an awesome, one-sided tan/burn. Great. We had some great burgers though. And we had this yummy new drink they’re serving at Zaya. It’s a blueberry lemonade drink I think. It was delicious.

I have this vintage dress that I’m going to list on etsy soon. It needs a few stitches repaired and, obviously, to be ironed. Pretty cute though right?

I wanted to keep it but it didn’t fit me quite right. Oh well.

I got some new beads….

The yellow ones are actually more of a green color but I couldn’t get that to photograph for some reason. They’re pretty though. Can’t wait to make something with them!

I’m also really wanting to make something with these peacock feathers I got. I’m not 100% sure how to go about that but maybe I can figure something out.

I made some bracelets yesterday. I’m not sure if anyone will like them besides me but they’re soooo comfy.

And I think they’re cool. Guess I need to take some pictures today and list them.

That’s a pretty crappy phone picture but what do you think?

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Filed under crafts, etsy, food, pictures, question

Sweet Stuff!

I was just going through my favorites on etsy and realized that my list of hearted items is huge. So how about some stuff I want for sweet stuff this week?

1. 1940’s Kelly Green Umbrella

I don’t even know what to say about this. I mean look at it. It’s a green umbrella and it’s awesome! (And this whole shop is awesome…I want about half the stuff in it. haha)

2. Tundra Deer II in Bronze Neclace

I love this necklace. This shop has tons of stuff made from precious metal clay so it’s all really unique and cool.

3. 1950’s White Skyway Suitcase

This is from the same shop as the umbrella. Told ya it was a great shop.
Like I need another suitcase….it’s pretty sweet though right?

4. Custom Letter Charm

I really need to get a few of these! She also has lots of other stamped jewelry that’s awesome!

5. Hand Crank Wooden Boat Automata

I really like this. It reminds me of really old school toys. Check out the listings and each one has a youtube link so you can see the pieces in action.

6. Chameleon Dress and Tube Top Set

I’m definitely getting one of these dresses one day. You can wear it probably a hundred different ways. How cool is that?

7. Recycled Stemless Etched Wine Glasses

Recycled wine bottles + bird etching =totally sweet glasses! I think I’d use these every day.

Got any favorites to share?

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Filed under etsy, pictures, shopping, sweet stuff, website